How it Works: The Process

1. Getting to know you
First step is one that is often overlooked nowadays: conversation. Your coach needs to know what it is that brought you here in the first place. We want to know about your past experiences in sports and fitness. We want to know about your history of illness or injury.

We want to know about your daily rhythm and what things are important to you. We want to know what your short and long term goals are. We want to know about successes and failures in trying to accomplish these goals. We want to know anything you’re willing to share about what makes you unique.

2. Assessment
This part of the process includes several components. Body composition and postural analysis are at the top of that list. From there, your coach will guide you through some movements to get an idea of what exercise selection for your program will be. The last step is to perform certain work tests, which will be selected based on what we see in the first parts, to set a starting point from which to measure progress.

3. Program Delivery
By this point, your coach has a good amount of information from which to determine what your program will look like. Once the design has been set up, your coach will walk you through it, including being with you during the first few sessions until you get the hang of it and are ready to execute the program safely with help from the floor coach only.

4. Nutrition and Lifestyle
The entire time that you’re going through steps 1-3, there’s lifestyle and nutrition processes running in the background. During the initial conversation, your coach will be able to make observations and take notes on these topics.

We will also require some type of assessment that may include things like food logs, water consumption tracking, and sleep/wake logs, amongst others. You will also be provided lifestyle guidance and nutrition recommendations along with your training program.

5. Review, Reassess, and Implement
Floor coaches will provide real time support as you work out, day to day. Your coach will be revising and commenting on your logged results, week to week.

Once a month, you will have an in person sit down with your coach to talk life, review the past 30 days, and discuss what the next 30 days will look like regarding training, lifestyle, and nutrition. It’s your journey, you’re going to make it happen, but we will guide your every step of the way. WE’RE IN YOUR CORNER

The mere fact that you searched “personal trainers near me” or “personal trainers in San Juan” means that you’ve decided to take the first step in this journey and recognize that you need personalization to get results.

Good news, we’ve got you covered!

Welcome to the evolution of personal training. Over the years we’ve come to find that the formula for lasting success requires two components. One, is a professional coach to design the program and provide support in the process. But second, and perhaps most important, is that clients truly understand what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and how it connects to their goals. This is where INDIVIDUALIZED TRAINING steps in.

Each client gets his or her very own coach who performs a thorough assessment, creates the ideal program for the individual, and supports the process with feedback, not only on workout results but also through conversation. The main difference compared to personal training is that your coach is not standing there with you in every session. Instead, your coach makes it a high priority to teach you how to train so that you can take the reins in your journey.

Think of it this way: If you moved to another city, you would be using the GPS to go everywhere. As time goes by, you will rely less on it as you start getting familiarized with all the spots. Eventually, GPS is seldom needed. Well, that’s how it works with individualized training as well. Your coach will serve as the GPS until you get more comfortable in the gym.

But that doesn’t mean that you are left alone to figure things out. We do offer real-time support via floor coaches, always one on duty, who is there during your every workout to correct movement, answer questions, and help with equipment setup if needed. You also get to do this in a setting of like-minded individuals who share the same enthusiasm and are committed to their particular goals.

